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    Chinese Language Poems    
    THE LONG MARCH 毛泽东《七律:长征》(Audio ♫)  (4403) 2009-9-12
    Jinggang Mountain 毛泽东《西江月.井冈山》(xī jiāng yuè .jǐng gāng shān )(Audio ♫)  (3746) 2009-9-12
    Autumn Thoughts :To the Tune of Tian Jin Sha 马致远《天净沙·秋思》(Audio ♫)  (4141) 2009-9-12
    To the Tune of Yu Mei Ren 李煜《虞美人》(yú měi rén)(Audio ♫)  (3771) 2009-9-12
    Parting II 杜牧《赠别》(zèng bié )(Audio ♫)  (3831) 2009-9-12
    Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again 徐志摩《再别康桥》(zài bié kāng qiáo)(Audio ♫)  (3954) 2009-9-12
    Xiang Jian Huan 李煜《相见欢》(Audio ♫)  (3988) 2009-9-12
    Shui Diao Ge Tou 苏轼《水调歌头》(Audio ♫)  (4034) 2009-9-12
    Tune: Pride of Fishermen 范仲淹《渔家傲》(yú jiā ào)(Audio ♫)  (3865) 2009-9-12
    THE BEAUTIFUL XI SHI 王维《西施咏》(xī shī yǒng)(Audio ♫)  (3711) 2009-9-12
    A Song of the Travelling Son 游子吟(yóu zǐ yín)(Audio ♫)  (3626) 2009-9-12
    A poem written in 7 steps 曹植 七步诗》(qī bù shī)(Audio ♫))  (3749) 2009-9-12
    In the Still of the Night 李白《静夜思》(jìng yè sī )(Audio ♫)  (3783) 2009-9-12
    Ye Yu Ji Bei 李商隐《夜雨寄北》(Audio ♫)  (3883) 2009-9-12
    Bells ringing in the rain 雨霖铃(yǔ lín líng)(Audio ♫)  (4038) 2009-9-12
    Tune: Mountain Hawthorn Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修《生查子》(shēng zhā zǐ)(Audio ♫)  (4874) 2009-9-12
    Crows Crying at Night 李煜《乌夜啼》(wū yètí(Audio ♫))  (3782) 2009-9-12
    Sand of Silk-washing Stream 晏殊《浣溪沙》(huàn xī shā)(Audio ♫))  (3881) 2009-9-12
    Tune: “Dreaming of the South” Wen Tingjun 温庭筠《梦江南》(mèng jiāng nán)》(Audio ♫)  (3547) 2009-9-12
    Butterflies lingering over Flowers 欧阳修《蝶恋花》(dié liàn huā)》(Audio ♫)  (3651) 2009-9-12
    Chang Xiang Si (Tang ) Bo Ju Yi 白居易《长相思》(zhǎng xiàng sī )(Audio ♫)  (3671) 2009-9-12
    A Riverside Town Hunting at Mizhou Su Shi 苏轼《江城子  密州出猎》(jiāng chéng zǐ  mìzhōu chū liè)(Audio ♫)  (4544) 2009-9-12
    Qingming 杜牧《清明》(Audio ♫)  (3661) 2009-9-12
    A SONG OF CHANGGAN Li Bai 李白《长干行》(cháng gàn xíng)(Audio ♫)  (4027) 2009-9-12
    Spring on the Southern shore about A Quatrain 杜牧《江南春绝句》(jiāng nán chūn jué jù)(Audio ♫)  (3904) 2009-9-12
    Parting I 杜牧《 赠别》(zèng bié)(Audio ♫)  (3809) 2009-9-12
    ON THE PLAIN OF TOMB 李商隐《乐游原》(lè yóu yuán )(Audio ♫)  (3647) 2009-9-12
    The Inlaid Harp 李商隐《锦瑟》(jǐn sè) (Audio ♫)  (3862) 2009-9-12
    GUAN! GUAN! CRY THE FISH HAWKS 关雎 guān jū(Audio ♫)  (4222) 2009-9-12
    A View of Mount Tai 望岳 wàng yuè (Audio ♫)  (3814) 2009-9-12
    The Willow 贺知章《咏柳》yǒngliǔ(Audio ♫)  (3634) 2009-9-12
    A Farewell Song 王维《送元二使安西 》sòng yuán èr shǐ ān xī(Audio ♫)  (3914) 2009-9-12
    Qiu Sheng Fu 欧阳修《秋声赋》(Audio ♫)  (4636) 2009-9-12
    Snow 毛泽东《沁园春 雪》(Audio ♫)  (4086) 2009-9-12
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