Taboos on Gifting in China中国送礼禁忌

You should be aware of cultural differences when you send a gift to Chinese. There are many taboos in sending gifts in China. 在中国,送礼含有很多禁忌,给中国人送礼时要注意文化的差异。 In China, the opening of a gift in front of the giver is considered improper behavior. 在中国,当着送礼人打开礼物是不妥之举。 It’s a custom that, on happy events, your gifs must in pairs but not single. 中国习俗中,凡是大喜之事,所送之礼,均好双忌单。 But,you must aware that, the number 4 is a unlucky number in China. Cause,the pronunciation of 4 is same as “死”which means “dead” in Chinese. They all pronounce as “si”. 但是,中国人不喜欢4这个数字,因为它和“死”发音一样,被认为是不吉利的。 In China, the color white and black are unwelcomed in sending gifts. White suggests sadness and poverty while black suggests unlucky, disaster and death. You should know that green hat should never used as a gift, especially to a man. Cause, to say a man in green hat means that his wife is unfaithful to him. 在中国,送礼时不受欢迎的颜色包括白色和黑色。白色被认为是大悲之色和贫穷之色,而黑色则被认为是不吉利、是凶灾之色,哀丧之色。在中国,绿色帽子是不能用来送人的,尤其是送给男子。说一个男子戴了绿帽子既是说他的妻子不忠。 If you want to send a gift to the elderly, you should never take a clock into consideration. “送钟”and “送终” share same pronunciation. The former means “sending someone a clock” but the latter means “to attend someone’s funeral”. Actually, not only the elderly but also other Chinese are unhappy to receive a clock as a gift. 给老人送礼时不能送钟表。因为“送钟”和“送终”同音。前者是送个钟给某人的意思,而后者是“参加某人葬礼的意思”。事实上不仅是老人,其他的中国人都不喜欢收到钟表。 In China, taboos are usually due to pronunciation. You don’t send couple or lovers pear is out of this reason. The pronounced of pear “li” is same as the word “离”which means separation. So, sending couple or lovers pear would be impolite. Also, couple and lovers are not sending each other pear which suggests that one of they want to end their relationship. It’s also for this reason that you don’t send umbrella to your lovers. 中国送礼的禁忌多半是发音的问题。不给夫妻或情侣送梨正是由于这个原因。梨的发音与离别的离一样,因而送给夫妻或情侣梨是不礼貌的, 而夫妇,情侣之间也不互送。同样的原因,雨伞也不用做给夫妇或情侣的礼品。 In Chinese Taiwan, tower is only send as a gift in funeral; you use it to dry your tear. Taiwanese avoid sending others paper fan, cause they think by doing it, they’ll never see each other again. 在中国台湾,非丧事一律不能送手巾,手巾是用来揩眼泪的。台湾人忌讳送扇子,俗称“送扇无相见”。 Remember that in Chinese Hong Kong, never send people jasmine and plum blossom. The pronunciations of the two flowers are easy associated with “no profit” and “bad luck”. 而在中国香港,茉莉花和梅花是忌送的。“茉莉”与“没利”谐音,“梅”与“霉”同音 In both Chinese Taiwan and Hong Kong, scissor is not sending to other cause people associate it with “to finish with someone”. 在台湾和香港,剪刀都是不能送的东西, 它含有“一刀两断”之意。 There are some other taboos you should avoid:don’t send a healthy guys medicine; don’t send underwear to your friend of the opposite sex. 其他一些禁忌如:不要给健康人送药品:不要给异性朋友送贴身衣物等。