Fu Xi
 In Chinese mythology, Fu Xi or Fu Hsi (Chinese: 伏羲; pinyin: fúxī), also known as Paoxi (simplified Chinese: 庖牺; traditional Chinese: 庖犧; pinyin: páoxī), mid 29th century BCE, was the first of the Three Sovereigns (三皇 sānhuáng) of ancient China. He is a culture hero reputed to be the inventor of writing, fishing, and trapping. However, Cangjie is also said to have invented writing. According to legend, the land was swept by a great flood and only Fu Xi and his sister Nüwa survived. They retired to Kunlun Mountain, where they prayed for a sign from the Emperor of Heaven. The divine being approved their union and the siblings set about procreating the human race. In order to speed up the process, Fu Xi and Nüwa used clay to create human figures, and with the power divine entrusted tothem made the clay figures come alive. Fu Xi then came to rule over his descendants, although reports of his long reign vary between sources, from 115 years (2852–2737 BCE) to 116 years (2952–2836 BCE).
伏羲 在中国的神话故事里,伏羲也叫做庖牺,生活在公元前2900年前,位列三皇之首。他也一直被人们看作是传奇人物,因为人们都认为是他发明书写记事和渔猎。然而,也有人认为是仓颉发明了文字书写。 据传大地曾遭遇了一场大洪水,只有伏羲和他妹妹女娲得以幸存下来。后来他们就退居到了昆仑山脉,他们曾祈求上苍允许他们在这里居住。后来这块圣地就成了他们的部落和子孙生息繁衍的地方。为了加快造人的速度,伏羲和女娲就先用粘土捏成人形,然后借助神仙的法力,再把他们变成活人。从此以后,伏羲就开始统治他的子孙后代。但是不同的史料对他的统治时间却有不同的记载,有的记载是从公元前2852年到公元前2737年间的115年,也有记载是从公元前2952年到公元前2836年间的116年。