
姜子牙,姜姓,吕氏,名望,字子牙,号飞熊,也称吕尚。商朝末年人,其始祖四岳伯夷佐大禹治水有功而被封于吕地,因此得吕氏。姜子牙出世时,家境已经败落了,所以姜子牙年轻的时候干过宰牛卖肉的屠夫,也开过酒店卖过酒,聊补无米之炊。但姜子牙人穷志不短 无论宰牛也好,还是做生意也好,始终勤奋刻苦地学习天文地理、军事谋略,研究治国安邦之道,期望能有一天为国家施展才华。 姜子牙出生于山东省日照市。长成后一度到商都朝歌求发展,但看到商纣王荒淫无道,遂回到老家日照一带隐居。《孟子·离娄上》说:“伯夷辟纣,居北海之滨,……太公辟纣,居东海之滨……二老者,天下之大老也”。现在日照市南20里日照汤谷太阳文化源旅游风景区的天台山上尚有太公避纣时的遗址,遗址上有太公台和太公崖,慕名而至者络绎不绝。 姜太公是齐国的缔造者,周文王倾商武王克殷的首席谋主、最高军事统帅与西周的开国元勋,齐文化的创始人,亦是中国古代的一位影响久远的杰出的韬略家、军事家与政治家。历代典籍都公认他的历史地位,儒、道、法、兵、纵横诸家皆追他为本家人物,被尊为“百家宗师".
JiangZiYa,first Jaing, People in last years of Shang Dynasty,Da Yu is Jiang’s ancestor who was rewarded because governancing floods and rewarded a piece called "Lu" land,so we got “lv”this name. When Jiang was born, his family circumstances has been ruined,so when Jiang was yong he did some work like butcher, Wine product promotion to Solve survival problems . but Jiang was never give up ,nomatter be a butcher or a businessman,Jiang ,he always work hard to study astronomy and geography, military strategy, research of administering State Affairs and road, hope to have a day for the State to display their talent.He was born in rizhao city of shandong province. there is a saying in 《mengzi•lishushang》was put in this way :BoYi once dodged king zhou and lived in the coast of the north sea \The two men are two of the world's most amazing people”.Now,there are still relics in the south of Ri Zhao city which 20 miles from downtown(Tian Tai mountain of sunshine culture source of tourism scenic spot ),such as Tai Gong platform and Tai Gong cliff which attracts so many people to come.Jiang is the creater of Qi dynasty. the chief adviser of King Wen of Zhou、the top military commander and the western zhou dynasty founding fathers, the founder of Qi culture and also the a great Strategist and politicians who has a Far-reaching influence in ancient China, Confucianism, Taoism, legalism, the army, and so on are after him for the member of their family characters, he was considered the guru of all Lectures.