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第十七课 Lesson 17
短信 Text messaging
一、情景对话 Situational dialogue
A:哎,你们都在干什么呢? Hey, what are you doing?
B:我在编辑短信内容啊。 I am typing messages.
C:我在保存并回复短信。 I am saving and replaying messages.
D:我在发送短信。 I am sending messages.
E:我期待接收他们写的短信,然后删除。 I am waiting to receive their messages, and then delete them
B、C、D、E:切。 Piss off.
二、生词与例句 New words / Sentences
周末 weekend
写 write
1、我把一些常用的短信写好存在手机里。 I wrote some commonly used texts and saved them in my mobile.
2、我现在正在写短信,马上就好。 Wait for a second because I am writing message.
3、请帮我写一条法语短信好吗? Could you please help me write a message in French?
发 send
1、我已经发短信通知他了。 I already sent him a text message.
2、这是刚才莉莉转发给我的短信。 This is the text message that Lili just forwarded to me.
3、昨天那条短信你给我重发一次好吗? Can you send me again the text which you sent to me yesterday?
收 get
1、你收到我给你发的短信了吗? Did you get my message?
2、我确实没有收到你的短信。 I didn’t get your message.
3、经常收到这种垃圾短信。 I often receive such spam text messages.
内容 content
1、短信的内容是说什么? What is this message about?
2、请你帮我翻译这条短信的内容,可以吗? Could you please help me translate this message?
3、请把短信的内容转发给我。 Please forward me the text message
保存 save
1、我没有保存你昨天给我发的短信。 I did not save the text you sent to me yesterday.
2、我一直好好地保存着他给我的那条短信。 I have been saving that message he sent to me.
3、我保存在手机里的信息全都不见了。 All the messages I saved in my mobile have disappeared.
删除 delete
1、我在删除垃圾短信。 I am deleting the spam text messages
2、我不小心把那条短信给删除了。 I deleted that message by accident.
3、手机的内存满了,要删除一些东西。 I have to delete something because my cell message inbox is full
回复 reply
1、他没有回复我的短信。 He did not reply my text.
2、待会我叫她用短信回复你。 I will ask her to text you back later.
3、我考虑一下,晚上再回复你,好吗? Can I give you reply tonight because I need think about it?
练习 Exercise
一、根据课文判断对错 Read the dialogue above again and decide the following sentences are right or false.Write “T” for true and “F” for false. 1、B在回复短信。 ( ) 2、C在编辑短信。 ( ) 3、D在发短信。 ( ) 4、E正在删除短信 。 ( )
二、选词填空choose the best phrase to fill in each blank.
A、保存 B、回复 C、删除 D、内容 E、收 F、发 1、—这段文字写得不好,还是______了吧。 2、我写的论文忘记______了,又得重新写过了。 3、—给小雨_______条短信告诉她我们在校门口等她吧。 —好的。 4、—______到我给你发的短信了吗?昨晚发的。 —我看看。 5、—这条英语短信的______说的是什么?你帮我翻译翻译。 —他说祝你生日快乐。 6、—你给Mike_______短信了吗? —回了。
三、翻译 Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1、Do you need to keep these letters or shall we bin them? 2、She had erased the message. 3、He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 4、I will message you soon..
四、翻译 Translate the following sentences into English.
1、他把他的护照保存在盒子里。 2、他从计算机里删除了文件。 3、他们答应马上回复。 4、玛丽发短信告诉了我她的地址。
答案 Answers: 一、1、F 2、F 3、T 4、F 二、1、C 2、A 3、F 4、E 5、D 6、B 三、1、你需要保存这些信件吗?还是把它们扔掉? 2、她已经删除了短信。 3、他每天有很多短信要回复。 4、我会尽快发短信给你的。 四、1、He kept his passport in a box. 2、He also deleted files from the computer. 3、They promised an immediate reply. 4、Mary had messaged me her address.