Ballroom Dancing at the Square

After dinner, some small groups of older people will come away from their home to a garden or near a large open space of the street. Here, they have a not agreed meeting - dancing ballroom dance. Dancing, ballroom dancing was originally very popular in universities. But now, college students and young people enjoy fast-paced hip-hop dance, very few will choose this kind of dance. But I do not know when the ballroom dancing has become a leisure activity of the elder. These dancers are living in the same area, sometimes there are pedestrians. At first, they did not know each other, or only in a limited scope, some with tape recorders to play dancing music, and then their own entertainment begin. They learn from each other. Soon, more and more people will join in the dancing. Sometimes you will see nearly a hundred people dancing together, SQQ Three Step, waltz, rumba and so on attracted others attention. Some among them like dancing, but have not had a chance to learn. This spontaneous dancing activities may provide them with the opportunity to realize their dreams. And some people have danced on campus but because of busy work and raising children after graduation they do not have time to continue dancing, Now they have retired and their children have grown up, they can enjoy the pleasure of this dance. Here they seem to find the youth. Watching them dancing is a kind of happy. If you wish, they can join at any time.
晚饭过后,一些中老年人便会三五成群来到离住所不远的花园或是街边的一大块空地。在这里,他们有一个并未约定的聚会——跳交谊舞。 跳舞,跳交谊舞,原本在大学中是很流行的。但现在,高校的学生及年轻人更多的喜欢街舞等快节奏快的舞蹈,很少有会跳这种舞蹈了。但不知从何时起,跳交谊舞却成了中老年人的休闲活动。 这些舞者多是住在同一小区,有时也有路人。起初,他们或互不相识,或只是很小范围,有人带着录音机用来播放舞曲,自发地娱乐,互相学习。不久,加入的人越来越多,有时候你会看近百人一起翩翩起舞,三步、华尔兹、伦巴等等,引得旁人驻足欣赏。 他们中间有的年轻时就喜欢舞蹈,但一直没机会学习,小区中的这种自发的跳舞活动给他们提供了圆梦的机会;而有的人则是在校园时跳过但工作后因为忙碌并且养育子女而没有时间继续舞蹈,而今退休了,孩子成年了,他们又可以享受这份舞蹈的愉悦。他们在这里似乎又找回了青春。 看着他们舞蹈,是一种快乐,只要你愿意,随时都可以加入他们。