Traditional Chinese Medicine
zhōng yī 中 医 Traditional Chinese medicine (also known as TCM) includes a range of traditional medical practices originating in China. It is considered a Complementary or Alternative Medical system in much of the western world while remaining as a form of primary care throughout most of Asia. TCM practices include treatments such as herbal medicine(中草药zhōng cǎo yào), acupuncture(针灸疗法zhēn jiǔ liáo fǎ), dietary therapy(饮食治疗yǐn shí zhì liáo), Tui Na(推拿tuī ná) and Shiatsu massage(Shiatsu按摩àn mó); often Qigong(气功) and Taiji(太极tài jí) are also strongly affiliated with TCM. TCM theory(中医疗法zhōng yī liáo fǎ)is extremely complex and originated thousands of years ago through meticulous observation of nature, the cosmos, and the human body. Major theories include those of Yin-yang(阴阳yīn yáng), the Five Phases, the human body Channel system(人体经络系统rén tǐ jīng luò xì tǒng), Zang Fu organ theory(脏腑器官理论zàng fǔ qì guān lǐ lùn), six confirmations, four layers, etc.
